Therapy for Family Members of Addicted Loved Ones

*Family members include: spouses, parents, children, etc

You are here because:

Does someone you love struggle with alcohol, drugs, or some other addiction?

 Do you feel crushed by anxiety and fear of someone else’s choices?

This can't be how life is supposed to go. Learning that your loved one is struggling with an addiction can be devastating, confusing and cause you to feel your life has been turned upside down. Perhaps finding out confirmed your recent suspicions, or their ability to hide their addiction has come as a huge and painful surprise. You may feel betrayed by some of the choices they have made. Perhaps you are blaming yourself for how they got here and asking yourself “where did I go wrong?” You may be feeling a wide array of emotions--hurt, alone, sad, confused, hopeless, and angry. Whatever you are experiencing, you’re noticing someone else’s choices are impacting every area of your life.

You are:

  • Struggling to keep up with work, day-to-day tasks, and relationship commitments

  • Fixated on your loved one’s behaviors

  • Experiencing difficulty concentrating, feeling “numb” and overwhelming anxiety

  • Isolating yourself

  • Experiencing nightmares and increased health issues

You are ready to:

  • Stop suffering the consequences of someone else’s choices

  • Love your family member AND create boundaries that honor your well-being.

  • Explore how your past may have shaped where you are now

  • Learn new strategies to manage your reactions to your loved one’s addiction behaviors

  • Reclaim your life and JOY

As your therapist, this is how we can help:

  • We understand that addiction doesn't just affect the individual; it impacts the entire family. We understand the emotional rollercoaster that addiction brings and offer a listening ear to help you work through your emotions. We will help you understand the nature of the disease and let go of responsibility.

  • We'll work on restoring balance to your life through discovering how to set healthy boundaries, reclaim your personal time, and nurture your relationships.


    You deserve to be understood and validated for your pain. You can find safety, hope, and healing. You can reclaim your life.

     Things can get better. We can help.